short barrel rifles
Contrary to what you have been told, yes, rifles with barrels of less than 16 inches are legal, both under federal law, and under the laws on most states, including Illinois. They are simply regulated differently. If you qualify for an Illinois FOID card, or are an active police officer, we can legally sell a short barrel rifle to you. There are paperwork hoops and a one time $200.00 federal tax stamp involved.

any other weapon
What is an AOW, and are they legal? Generally speaking, an AOW if a concealable firearm, that is not a rifle or shotgun (or a weapon made from a rifle or shotgun), and is not a pistol with a rifled bore. Under federal law these are legal. Under Illinois law, almost all of them are legal. If you have an actual FOID card, we can sell you almost any AOW. There are paperwork hoops and a one time $5.00 federal tax stamp involved.

silencers, dds, short shotguns and machineguns, oh my
These can be done, for those willing and qualified. Easiest way to find out how is order "An Illinois Legal Guide to National Firearms Act Regulated Firearms, either from us ($12, tax and shipping included) or from, then READ THE BOOK, and if your still interested, call or e-mail us.